I remember the first time I masturbated. I was maybe Year 7 and had this “make your own anime avatar” app on my iPod touch. I remember you could take off the clothes on the characters and I remember feeling so hot and bothered by it. That sparked my initial sexual attraction towards women, as well as men. I always felt like I was horribly wrong for touching myself to women as I wasn’t fully aware of lesbianism and bisexuality at the age of 11. I found myself touching myself all day until one evening I felt my first orgasm. I felt disgusting and shameful and even felt like I had put my family to shame. I researched what had happened to me and figured out exactly what occurred.
Since Year 7 to my first year of university, my openness and understanding of female sensuality has flourished and I no longer find myself embarrassed or ashamed to discuss it. It upsets me greatly how male masturbation is so normalised these days but female masturbation is still seen as this private, secluded, almost sinful act. I hope that people from all walks of life understand and respect the beauty of female sensuality. Because if it weren’t for this wonderful sexual prowess of women, we wouldn’t be able to populate the human race. Period.
ART - @robineisenberg <3